U.S.-China Mutual Trust Committee
Actions to Build Mutual Trust
There are many positive actions that we can take, at the people-to-people level, that collectively will help build momentum. Everything we propose below can be carried out on any scale by individuals or small community, educational or cultural organizations, or by larger organizations on a more expansive scale.
Dialogues and Exchanges
We propose creating, enlarging, and encouraging many, many more opportunities for in-person dialogues and exchanges.
Public Engagement
We propose a series of seminars / webinars / panel discussions / townhall forums that will range from introductory to in-depth discussions on a wide range of topics. These meetings will be open to all interested individuals. There are numerous opportunities for comparative informational exchanges / historical experiences / collaborations among all of us.
Develop a Comprehensive Email Database
Maintain and identify interested individuals / organizations and keep everyone informed of activities and progress, including invitations to participate.
This section is currently under development.
- There are many community organizations who are already doing wonderful work in advancing mutual understanding and courtesy between the peoples of the U,S, and China. A list of possible collaborative partners follows, as well as a select list of case studies of outstanding work.
Possible Collaborative Partners
Case Studies
Conclusion — When citizens of the United States and China, from young students to senior adults, have engaged with each other on a people-to-people level in dialogues and exchanges and have studied and considered each other’s historical and current contexts, we will have become good friends. Mutual understanding and courtesy will follow.
We will understand that China has no desire to supplant the role of the United States in the world, and that the U.S. no longer needs to feel threatened. We can recognize each other as equals and respect our differences. Mutual trust will follow.
Once mutual trust has been established between the peoples of the United States and China, our governments will be better equipped to collaborate on solving the many urgent and critical problems facing our world today.
Throughout its 4500-year history, China has engaged its neighbors in peaceful trade. Building on the many initiatives already underway in the Midwest and furthering targeted work on a people-to-people level, we will be able to build mutual trust between our peoples and expand opportunities for peaceful commerce and trade throughout the world. Governments will take notice and be more inclined to revive discussions on areas of mutual concern. China and the U.S. will cooperate and create win-win situations amidst much push and pull. We will have begun sharing the path towards world peace. Mutual collaboration and cooperation will accord world premier leadership recognition to both countries.
We will live in harmony and peace, in a dynamic equilibrium, in a multipolar world.